Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Post Game Jam, Website, 3D Sketching, Speedtree, etc.

So, I got back from the Game Jam this past Monday, and I must say I had a blast. First, I went up to visit my friend Joe in Rochester. We hung out for a couple days, and then we both went to Chicago for a couple more. The main reason for this trip was of course, for the game jam. Let me first say this to anyone who read my little story on last year's jam. It was INFINITELY better this year. For those of you who didn't read said story, I got insanely sick during last year's trip. So needless to say, it was pretty hard to do worse this time around. However, in keeping with last year's tradition, my team biffed up pretty bad. Our designers and programmers were unable to get certain elements working properly, which made it so that I couldn't make pretty art for all to see. No hard feelings though, as it was a fault of technology and no person in particular. It didn't really bother me, as I got what I really wanted out of the trip. Meeting cool people, networking, and generally being around like-minded folks that do the same thing I do. Nothing is better. Having my best friend along for the journey definitely doesn't hurt either. So all in all, it was a great trip.

Now, onto future business.

The website: Will be up soon. I just gave Ryan Harlow, my friend that knows flash a hell of a lot better than I do, the needed files. So in a couple weeks, it'll be up. Now obviously, it's only the work that I've done thus far and does not include the demo reel or pics of the desert environment, which I have yet to do.

Speaking of which, that is coming along pretty well. Jake just gave me the map file that lays out the level roughly, and I'm going to edit some stuff to my will. Then I'll hand it off to Joe to draw from. I'll post some pics of the level as soon as it's done, which will be in a few days.

Lastly, Speedtree! It's amazing. It's basically a 3D app that lets you very quickly generate realistic looking trees, grass, and rocks, among many other things. I'm learning it right now, and it basically cuts my workflow right in half. Very intuitive, easy to learn, and it makes my life so much easier. So yeah. I'll post again soon.

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