Saturday, July 12, 2014


Hey errrrbody!

It's been a little while, hasn't it? I've been taking an extended break from doing work outside of my 40 hour work week. That's gonna change pretty soon, as I'm gonna get back to doing personal/portfolio prep work in my free time. A lot of it is stuff that I can't show yet, so I'm not sure how soon I'll be posting it. Speaking of which, lots of cool stuff has been happening for me that's pretty awesome.

1) Two games that I've been working on have been announced, so I can finally talk about them. The first is Mortal Kombat X.

NetherRealm officially announced it slightly before E3, and then showed its first gameplay footage at the event. I did a pretty decent amount of prop work, and even a couple creatures (GASP!) while I was there. To be honest, I'm not sure how much they'll change my stuff since it's coming out in 2015, so I guess we'll just see. I'll be coating on some polish to my own versions over the next few months, regardless. When you'll see any of it depends on the order in which they reveal certain characters and story elements. Basically, if they've shown it, it's safe for me to post. But at the very least, you'll get everything all at once when the game releases. In one convenient shitstorm.

2) The second bit of news is that I've got a new job! At a pretty swell place known as Iron Galaxy Studios.

The Earthbound project paid off in spades. My awesome friend Joe Grant showed it to the art team there, and they dug it. So I got brought on to work on an extremely exciting project, as a contract artist. Which is the second game I've been working on that was recently announced:

Killer Instinct : Season Two. They announced it last March, which was on the same day that I got hired on. Coincidence? I think not. :P  And we just did our announcement for TJ Combo at E3.

We worked our asses off on getting TJ and his level done in time for E3. I of course, helped with the background. I was responsible for the crane, wrecking ball, broken brick walls, and train tracks. Now we've already revealed this, so I'll probably throw some of it up on this blog and my website fairly soon.

And just yesterday actually, we revealed our next character, Maya. The pic above gives a nice preview of the new env. for her that we're really excited about. All in all, I really enjoy working at IG. They treat their people extremely well.

3) And finally, there's an independent project I'm getting involved with. And that's all I can say. I have no idea when it's going to be announced, but I'll post it up here when that's the case. It's something that I have a HUGE passion for.

So that's what's been happening. I certainly won't be as lazy as I have been recently, but there will be small updates here and there. I would also like to do something in Unreal Engine 4 if I can squeeze it in. Physical-based shaders are pretty  (O_O)

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