So, the replacement for the revolver is The Ceasefire. It's description reads as:
"Our first item is a old west style revolver that stops even the most war-hardened veterans dead in their tracks. Said to have been used by General Custer in his Last Stand at Little Big Horn, this weapon will make its victim unable to move for a short amount of time, depending on where you hit the target. Head and torso shots will give you more time, as limb shots will yield significantly LESS time. This makes it the ideal weapon of choice for making a smooth getaway. The downside is that a specific target can only be affected once until they die and respawn, and your shots will do less damage than your trusty revolver. And, oh yea, no crits allowed."
+ On hit: Freezes target for a short time, based on where the target is hit. Target is affected once in one life.
- 25% Damage to target
- No critical hits
I'm trying to stay as close to Custer's real revolver on this, but it has a lot of engraved detail on it, much like the Ambassador. I'll take the detail down a bit, and vary the design so that they don't get confused for each other. This will be by far the hardest to detail in Zbrush. It will definitely push me to my limits.

This one is the replacement for the sapper. Description:
"Enter the Instigator. This gem of an item takes the idea of your regular sapper and makes it a bit more distanced. That's right, you'll no longer have to get up close and personal with this baby, because it disables an engineer's equipment remotely. It's no matter if you're around a corner, or whether or not you're looking right at the blasted things, as long as you're within 40 feet of your targets, it'll sap any and all buildings that an engie has within that radius. However, take caution when using this device, because it takes a bit more time to fully destroy buildings. Also, it will emit an electrical current that will instantly blow your cover."
+ Remotely saps all enemy buildings within a 40 feet radius
-40% sap rate
- emits an electrical current that nullifies the user's disguise.
This guy is a mixture of a bunch of stuff I got when I googled "1940's technology". It's what you call "logical nonsense", where something looks like it makes sense and can be used for some task, but you don't know the actual tech behind it. As long as it's believable to an extent. The plane that rests over the top part is duct tape that the engineer has used to hold the bottom part of it together. Nothing works quite like duct tape. Zbrushing should be relatively easy on this one.

The Despiriter has a wonderous description:
"We've been told that this is probably NOT what King Ramses II called his favorite dagger, but it sounds really friggin cool, so why not? Backstabbing an enemy with this little number will release the tormented spirit of good ol' Ramses himself upon all who witness your crime, sending them into a helpless, frightened state that can only be cured by a hot cup of cocoa and a good crying session. The effect will wear off after about five seconds, which is more than enough time for you to finish off those who have their back turned to you and escape. WARNING: This weapon only works once during a lifetime, and every life you take after using it will take some of your life as well."
+ On hit: Puts all enemies that witness the backstab into a fear state for 5 seconds. Can only be used once in a life.
-30 health drained on wearer for every backstab after first initial stab.
It basically HAD to have it be curved. It just cries out sinister when you see it. It's a blend of a couple different references, but manages to read as Egyptian pretty well. The hilt will be engraved gold, and the round part at the top of the hilt will be the face of Ramses, carved into it.
I'm by no means a designer, so the pros and cons of these weapons may be a bit unbalanced. The description was done mainly just for fun though, the real importance to this is how they look. I'll make another post when the zbrushing is complete on all three.
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