Hello there, my peoples. Lots of new stuff going down this update. I'll begin.
1) The new website is up! As always, it's at www.ryansanderson.com. Once again, my excellent web designer girlfriend Jennifer A. Vacanti did all the web work. She's awesome. :) It's got new work and an updated resume. Speaking of that new work:
2) The stuff I did on the Man of Steel IOS app is up there in a brand spanking new gallery. I used Marmoset to pretty everything up. It's an excellent program used to present portfolio pieces. MUCH more flexible than my previous method, which is the static mesh viewer in Unreal. The website is here if any of you are interested: http://www.marmoset.co/
3) The splash page is now my Injustice demo reel. Got it uploaded to youtube with surprising quality. MUCH better than my attempts with past projects. And there are new images in the stills gallery as well. I must say, I'm feeling pretty good about all the work I compiled from good ol' NetherRealm. It was a big jump in quality from my previous work. I suppose actual industry experience will do that.
4) Yes, I'm still working on the Earthbound Winters level. I'm currently sculpting the terrain for it. There will be an update once it's in place. The project got pushed to the back burner when I realized I needed to get my Man of Steel stuff together. But now, along with other things, it's on the forefront of things for me to do. Those other things:
5) The last bit of news is sad. My time at Phosphor is done. The contract is over now, so I'm looking for work. I'll miss working with all my good pals there. 'Twas an excellent experience for me. But at the same time, I'm excited.
Excited for things. FUTURE things.