Hello all me friends on the interwebs! It's been a while, hasn't it?
The bike project is under way. Over the past month, I focused more on getting some work done for the RPG project, which is coming along nicely. But, it was always hard to find time for the motorcycle project, which I would like to get done ASAP, so that I can finally have a full portfolio to show to employers if need be. So, I 'm putting my contributions to the project on hold in order to get the bike cranked out. I'm hoping that it'll be done sometime in January, but it's as you all know by now, very hard to tell. Especially this early in the game. Other than that there's not really too much going on.
As you can see, my roommate Joe D'amico has done a bang up job on the concept. The idea in itself is simple. It's a motorcycle with a sidecar. The setting for it is post apocalyptic, so it's put together with found scraps. The idea itself is admittedly not THAT original, but we're hoping that the execution of it is something unique.
We still haven't worked out tiny details yet, but it's coming as soon as everything is modeled out. He's working on the concept for the motorcycle as we speak. It may seem like a kind of backwards way of working, but the sidecar kind of acts like a warm up for the actual bike. The bike has ALOT of detail. It's gonna be pretty hard to determine what's normal mapped and what's modeled, but that's just the fun of it. :) So for now, we're just working on the foundations of the model.
The final product will be a few shots of the bike inside an old, dusty garage. The other objects within it won't be nearly as focused as the bike, which will be an advantage as I want the bike to stand out alot. It's the centerpiece, I guess you could say. I'll also have the normal goodness of wireframe shots, texture images, and lighting only shots.
This project is meant to show off all my skills in general, but mostly that I know what I'm doing in zbrush, as well as photoshop. With that in mind, I plan on doing ALL the normal map detail in zbrush and all the texture work will be hand painted. Expect to see some renders from inside of zbrush as well as in game shots with it as a normal mapped model, naturally. The wire shots I have below are from inside the maya viewport and the lit shots are from inside the UDK editor.
And also, here's how the UV's are set up. Nicely packed if I do say so myself.
So the next few posts will be his drawings of the motorcycle, as well as modeling progress. But before I go, I'm going to do a shameless plug for Joe's new independent video production company, Smoking Water Productions. He's got a tasty video up for my other friend Jake's techno band, The Chaotic Good. Awesome stuffs. Do yourself a service and check the links y'all.